Be Kind and RespectfulShare your thoughts without judgment. We all have different perspectives—let's keep the conversation respectful and inclusive.
No Hate Speech or HarassmentQuip Social is a safe space for all. Please refrain from posting harmful, discriminatory, or offensive content aimed at individuals or groups. Hate speech and harassment will not be tolerated.
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No Self-Promotion or SpamQuip Social is about authentic connections. Please avoid using the platform for excessive self-promotion, ads, or spammy behavior.
Follow the LawEnsure that your content complies with local laws and regulations. Illegal activity will result in immediate action.
Respect Content OwnershipRemember that while you share Quips, others' thoughts are their own. Do not plagiarize or misattribute ideas.
No Explicit or NSFW ContentKeep Quips suitable for a wide audience. Explicit or adult content is not allowed.